Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Poetry - Writing - Family etc.

I've added a new element to my blog, it's titled Poetry. For some probably most who read this you're probably going to think that my poetry is rather bleak and hopeless - you'd be right. For some reason about the only time I can write poetry is when I'm severely depressed and or in so much pain that I wish not living were an option. Anyway, it helps me get those feelings out and in doing so helps me feel better. It is also a weird way of praying when I can't find the right words to say, the poetry gets right down to the bare bones of exactly how bad I'm feeling. So, it is my belief that because I view the poetry as a cry to God that He hears me and takes the straw off the camel's back - so to speak.

It's been almost three whole months since I last wrote anything in my blog and for those of you who follow me, I'm sorry. I will try to be better from now on.

I'm still working on my story that I plan to submit to Tuesday Night Publishing's newest anthology. It's titled "Crop Circles", and no, it isn't about aliens or even about crop circles. Mostly it's about how life and things in our lives circle around each other to form other circles. Sometimes those circles turn out to be awful - which in turn is a reflection of the good. I guess I could continue going in circles trying to explain my story. I sure have no idea how I'd ever put together a 30 second spiel to present to someone - guess I'll have to work on that.

I've come to the conclusion that writing the beginning and middle of a story is usually the easy part, it's ending them where I'm having difficulties. I will just have to write until the story ends or finishes - finishing doesn't necessarily mean ending as a portion of a story may come to a finish but maybe the larger story - the one that isn't told hasn't ended yet. A lot like a year out of our lives, we finish a year, but our life hasn't ended yet - I like that explanation the best.

Life goes on. My kitchen is at the almost..... finished state. Floor is all in, cabinets and cupboards are all installed - but painting, counter tops/back splash, and connecting of the microwave, dishwasher and garbage disposal are all still waiting to be finished. Some day.

I've been to Spokane twice this summer to see my mom, sister and brother plus all their children and grandchildren. Beside being too hot over there it was nice to visit family. Next time I go over, I have to make arrangements to see my Aunts, Uncles and cousins living in the area. My mom wants me to see if I can make arrangements to get her favorite cousin, Don Stagg, over for a visit. I really need to get a letter written, or maybe try calling him - I've put it on my "To Do List" for tomorrow.

I bought myself jewelry making supplies - I made a charm bracelet for my great-niece, Mackinzie - which she loves. It's fun and there are so many, many beautiful beads out there. Now, if I just had my sewing/craft room back - I could really work on those things.

I've only seen one movie recently - Nicholas Cage's "The Sorceresses Apprentice". It was thoroughly entertaining - which is why one goes to the movies (at least why I go to the movies). I guess we'll be renting a lot of DVDs so I at least can see all the movies I missed.

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