Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Creative Writing

I just started a Creative Writing class at Olympic College - I was real worried about being 60 and going back to college, but so far it's been a good experience. The teacher is a great guy and has an incredible love of words and language. Which is a good thing in someone teaching creative writing. So far there has been lots of reading and writing which are fairly easy for me. My hardest challenge so far is keeping my word count at whatever the lesson is designated to have. As we all know, I get real wordy - when I'm talking or writing. LOL.

We just get our first assignment back today. He said that my opening sentence was very powerful. The assignment was to write a paragraph of a challenging event in our lives (real or imagined) then after that was done we were to open the page and finish the assignment. Rewrite the same paragraph using only one syllable words. Now that was challenging. But he marked on the rewrite "good job" "very powerful rewrite". That made me feel pretty good.

Maybe I'll be able to get back to writing or working on re-writes of my stories. One of my writer friends has told me that as soon as I get it re written, he has found a couple of markets I can send it to. So, I don't want to take too long to get it polished and ready to mail.

In case you're curious, the story is called "Slippage" and it's about a young woman who has finally broken up with an abusive boyfriend, but not before he sends her on a "Virtual Vacation". She enjoyed the vacation and was able to see the ocean, mountains, desert and a big city all in the hour she was hooked up to the machine. The problems begin after she throws "Edward" out of her house. She 'slips' physically, back into the virtual world where everything seems to be dead. This happens enough times that she begins to think that she is going crazy, except that her dad and brothers - even Edward when he shows up at her office - see here disappear. Anyway, each time she goes to the virtual world it is different and she finds or is given talismans of one sort or another (a feather, dust are just a couple). Each time she is back in her real world, she is a stronger person and more able to deal with Edward causing havoc in her life. I won't tell you how it turns out, because I hope to have it published and then you can read it in a book or magazine. Wouldn't that be so cool?

I'm planning to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) again this November - I hope to finish the novel I started last November. I'll let you know how that works out.

My tea kettle is whistling for me, so I've got to go. I'll try not to stay away so long before posting something again. Bye

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Changes - Large and Small

Funny how life changes not just from year to year, but the smaller changes that happen on a day to day or even minute by minute basis. My whole life I've written stories of one sort or another - mostly sci-fi with a horror twist. But, I've also written stories with certain themes or beliefs within them. I always felt that my family both immediate and extended humored me by telling me that (what ever I had given them to read) it was a nice story. With that type of response (real or my perception) I had very little confidence in my ability to actually write well.

For the last twelve years I've been a member of the Speculative Fiction Writer's Cooperative (formerly the Sci-fi Writer's Cooperative) and not only have I gotten a better grasp on the mechanics of writing, I have gained more self-confidence in my writing. While I know that I still have a lot to learn in the craft, I no longer feel like someone who is being humored by the people who love me. There are actually people in the group who (while they may not like my subject matter - yes, you Chuck) they believe in me and the fact that I can tell a story well. Gives a person reasons to keep writing - well that and the fact that I still have characters showing up in my head wanting their story told. As long as they keep coming, I'll keep writing them down. I'll also always keep writing in my journal - which I've kept since I turned eight.

Changes on a smaller scale that have occurred in the past few months; our daughter, Katie is now engaged to a very nice man (Ryan). Our son, Kenny moved out last fall and my husband, Bill is now retired. All this change has left me feeling somewhat adrift and not sure where life will be going. But, all the upheaval and change is recorded in my journals for no one to ever read. Well, who knows, maybe when I'm gone someone will dig them up and decide that they make good reading. All that angst, sorrow, joy, frustration and anger has to end up somewhere.

Smaller changes still come from discovering that I still have muscles - the new water aerobics teachers at the YMCA know how to make you work every muscle in your body. By the end of each week, I feel stronger and even have better balance. So, even though changes take time, some years and some come with every move, change is a good thing and something to be embraced.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow - Writing - Changes

Had an SFWC (Speculative Fiction Writer's Co-op) meeting tonight - it took us almost an hour to get home due to the snow. Do you realize that snow makes no sound when it falls and once on the ground it muffles all sound to bring on a quietness that surpasses all other quiet times. I love to be out in that quiet and see the pure white that makes everything sparkle and glisten - a truly magic environment.

At Writer's Group, we discussed when we knew we were writers and what lead us to write in the genera we each write in. My reason for writing the sort of stories that I do is because I want to scare people (send a shiver down their back or cause them to look over their shoulder). Most of my places in my stories are from dreams (nightmares) I've had. I've been fortunate that I can hold whatever it was that scared me in my mind until I can write it down. Most of the time that means right away, as I can't go back to sleep without slipping back into the nightmare unless I write it down. Kind of weird, but I guess that's me, kind of weird.

I know that for me writing is a many layered objective. I write in my journal to put my hurts and thoughts in a form where I can leave them. I write short stories because they are fun and I never know where a story will take me once I begin it. There are many writers out there who do detailed out lines before they begin a story, there are others who start with an idea and let it form in their mind before they begin a story and there are some like me who start a story because a character or situation beckons and then we find out the story as it unfolds. I've learned some surprising things this way and sometimes I find that the story is going someplace I hadn't thought of taking it. But, by listening to my characters I follow the story they want to tell me.

Life, like my stories often goes in directions I never expected or even wanted to explore. My son moved out on his own last fall - although I still him a lot (especially just before he gets paid) and feed him, but it isn't like I can see him every day. It's hard to let go - sometimes - but that is what every parent eventually has to do. Other changes my daughter got engaged to a real nice young man just before Christmas. I'm so happy for her and wish her all the best that life has to offer. The last change that has taken place is that my husband has retired. I know some people were doubting that he ever would but he has. Now the hard part for him is going to be not seeing all the people he saw every day at work. Plus, I've found I don't talk as much as I used to since usually my only companions are the dog and cat. Friends have assured me that once the adjustment period is over, we will both enjoy his retirement.