Monday, November 12, 2012

An excerpt of my novel

Hi, well the following is an excerpt from my novel in process "Devil Wind" (working title):

Opening the truck door, Shane reaches in and grabs his rifle, setting the kitten on the seat, while Henry opens the glove box and takes out the six-shooter that Shane has kept there just like his daddy used to.

"Man-oh-man. That don't sound human. I hope to God it wasn't Ralph!" Both men take off at a run, slowing down as they approach the open barn door.

Whispering to Henry, Shane tells him - "Step just inside the door and to the side - keep your eyes closed for 30 seconds then I'll come in and do the same. We'll check the right side first since that's the side with the stalls." So, suiting actions to words within a minute both men were in the barn their eyes adjusted to the stygian darkness that seems to fill the barn.

Walking carefully with rifle shouldered Shane looks in the first stall he comes to. It's empty, there's nothing in it, not even a bit of hay or manure on the floor. He motions Henry ahead to the next stall, leap-frogging each other until they come to the back of the barn.

"Nothing. Damn, now we've gotta open each of the doors on the other side or maybe not, maybe we could just go right up to the loft." Henry whispers to Shane.

"Sorry Henry, you watch my back and I'll check each of the doors on this side. Then, you can lead the way up the loft ladder." So saying, Shane cautiously tries one door after another - some padlocked - the rest had doors that opened whisper smooth onto tack room, a groom's room and the vet room - where he knew that Ned's veterinarian daughter treated their animals. "Nothing. Guess you're up, Henry." He nods toward the ladder attached to the outside wall of the vet room.

Halfway up the ladder something comes careening down out of the loft, right into Henry's right shoulder nearly knocking him off the ladder. "Sheeit. What in blazes is that?" He yells, almost tumbling off the last three rungs, trying to come down using only one hand.

Cautiously, Shane approaches the somethings that had hit Henry. He looks at it, his mind veering away from what he's seeing. Brown fur/hair is all he can see from this side, so he warily steps around - trying for a better look. All the while Henry hasn't shut-up, his voice beginning to take on the tones of hysteria.

"Henry! Will you shut up and let me figure out what this things is?" Shane yells. His mind once again almost giving him a name for what's on the ground in front of him. Using the butt of his rifle, he  pokes the object - checking to see if it's dead or unconscious. It moves, rolling just enough to give them both a clear look at the underside. Henry clutches his heart with his one good arm, unable to believe that he staring into Ralph's face, an exact replica of his own.###

Well, let me know what you think - it still needs work, but that will come when the entire story is written.