Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hi - it's been a long time

It's been so long since I last visited my blog that I had to reset my password. This last year and a half has been way to long, but hopefully things are getting better.

I didn't finish the novel I started at NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) last year, but I've given the story a lot of thought and figured out a lot of the problems I was having; mainly figuring out how the magic should work and who can use it. Now that I've got that all figured out, I hope to try again this November and actually get it finished (let's keep our fingers crossed). Will try to get an excerpt included in my next blog.

My writing group, Speculative Fiction Writing Cooperative (SFWC) is still going strong - Frank and I've been working on putting together a critiquing format that not only can we all follow, but that will give each author the best help in fixing the weak points in their story. The publishing arm of the group Tuesday Night Publishing (TNP) put out another anthology "Penumbra: Speculative Fiction from the Pacific Northwest) last November and it was met with some success (still have to figure out a new marketing plan so we can get more books sold).

The story I submitted for that publication wasn't accepted - which upset me a great deal and since life at that time was so bad the rejection was almost more than I could take. But, I'm still here so I guess that I since I survived, it's time to try and get the story rewritten and see if I can get it published elsewhere - especially since everyone who read it said that it was a very good story and should have been accepted. Try, try and try again, I guess.

This past August our daughter, Katie, got married to her soul mate, Ryan. They are very happy and saving money so they can move into a bigger place (a studio apartment isn't quite big enough for two) and get their stuff out of storage. Katie was absolutely beautiful and Ryan was quite handsome although how Katie didn't melt in her wedding dress is beyond me (the temp that day was 85 degrees). They went camping at Westport for their honeymoon and hope to someday take one in Italy.

Our son, Kenny, is still living with us while he recovers and gets back on his feet. We also have his little guy, Bayley still with us also. He's a funny little boy and is finally beginning to adjust to Kindergarten - he had a real rough first two weeks. Which should be expected since he's never had to follow strict rules about being quiet and staying still and follow instructions.

Guess that's all for now - think that I'll go make another cup of tea.